Who We are
Why We Exist
We exist to help people move from where they are to where God wants them to be.
Vision Statement

Loving God's people where they are in life.
Connecting with God and His family.
Serving Ministries in our church.
Growing in God's character and kingdom.
What We Believe
All of our beliefs are in line with our affiliation with Church of God. The entire Declaration of Faith can be found through our denominational website:
Meet the Pastor

Jason & Kimberly Connor
Senior PastorTrinity Harvest Church is led by pastor Jason Connor. Jason grew
up in South Carolina and accepted the call to preach the gospel at 18. He attended East Coast Bible College, which is where he met
his wife, Kimberly, who grew up in Texas. They were married in
2000 and attended Lee University. They have two boys, Jaydon
and Kaleb. Jason and Kimberly lead with an authentic love for
people and a passion to unite the power of Pentecost with the
excellence and creativity of God. This approach has created a
place where people can; be loved, connect with others, find a
place to serve, grow, see radical change and be empowered by
the Holy Spirit.
Get in Touch
Contact or join us. We’d love to meet you!
Text "harvest” to 903-500-8017 to stay connected
ServIce TimeS
We can't wait to meet you!Sunday Bible Classes @ 9:30AM
Sunday Worship @ 10:30AM
Wednesday Midweek @ 7PM
Contact Information
Want to chat? Get in Touch!1trinityharvestchurch@gmail.com
(903) 885-3856
1150 Shannon Rd E
Sulphur Springs, TX 75482